TBR: Stand Together
As we face these unprecedented times, we know that as men of color, as entertainers, as humans, The Beta Report has an obligation to stand in solidarity with our African-American and black brothers and sisters who are being unjustly murdered and mistreated in our country. As a team, The Beta Report wants to use our “language” and our platform, to measure, value and acknowledge the lives that are afflicted with the pain and terror that unfortunately plague black lives on a daily basis. We understand that it is important to talk about these issues and to continue to shed light on them as well.
So, as we pause from our usual escapism, today, we choose to be present and talk about the systematic inequity that continues to take hold of our country.
“ We die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives.” -Toni Morrison.
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