MCU Review: Black Widow and Loki Finale — The Beta Report

MCU Review: Black Widow and Loki Finale

Halt, Variant! SPOILER WARNING! The Beta Bros will be going DEEP into both Black Widow and the Loki Finale.
The multiverse is imploding and devouring itself and everyone in it. It is your duty to save the sacred timeline, by…listening to this new episode of The Beta Report! The MCU is back in theaters with its highly anticipated first film of Phase 4: Black Widow. The Beta Boys strap on their multi-pocket vests and hero pose all over this movie as they discuss what they liked and what they HATED about the film.
Also, Classic KON, Kid UNO and Crocodile Jay lead you through Alioth’s mist and into the Loki Finale. They discuss the infinite possibilities this show will now lead the MCU and all of its new Phase 4 films and shows including its next big bad, which already seems way more threatening than Thanos. All that and so much more on this week’s episode of, The Beta Report.

Black Widow and Loki Finale
The Beta Report

